TIG Ekstensi SketchUp yang sangat berguna dan bermanfaat dalam membantu proses modeling. TIG sendiri memiliki ekstensi gratis dan berbayar. Namun dalam kenyataannya lebih banyak ekstensi gratisnya daripada berbayar. SketchUp secara bawaan memang sudah cukup dalam hal modeling. Namun TIG Ekstensi mengembangkan banyak sekali tool sebagai tambahan. Pada artikel ini akan diulas apa saja ekstensi yang dibuat oleh TIG.
Daftar Isi
TIG Ekstensi SketchUp
Daftar TIG Ekstensi
- 2D Tools
- 45 Degree Shadows for Elevation
- Add Faces
- Add Height from Datum
- Add Point at Intersection
- AddPage
- AddVertex+
- Antiprism
- Arc By Tool
- Arc Offset True
- Archiver
- Area Formatting
- Area Text Tag
- Axo + Iso View
- Batch Export to DAE
- C of G Reporter
- CADup
- Center of Gravity
- Center Point All
- Click2Flip
- Color Thin Faces
- Component Reporter++
- ComponentDescriptor
- Components to Grid
- Construction Line Delete via Context
- Construction Line Styler
- Constrction Lines on Axes at Point & Normal
- Contour Maker
- Coords-Tag from Datum
- Cut to Plane (Pro)
- CutNfill
- Cyma Curve Tool
- Default Layer Geometry
- Descaler
- Dimension/Text Visibilty
- Divide Angle
- Drape Cpoints
- Drape Materials
- Drop Materials onto Instances
- Drop Vertices
- Dual Dims
- Editing: Hide Context
- Editing: Show Geometry Only
- ElevTag
- Equal Segments
- Explode All Groups
- Explode Group to Layers
- Explode2Groups
- Export by Layer
- Export Construction Points to CSV
- Export Groups to OBJ
- Export Layers to DAE
- Export Selection
- Export SKP by Layer
- Export Vertices to CSV
- Extrude Tools
- Fix Reversed Face Materials
- Flattern to Plane
- Fracture
- Free Rotate
- Global Material Change
- Gradient Tools
- Grow
- Guides Proxy
- Hidden to Layer
- Hole Punching Tool
- Honeycomber
- Import All from Folder
- Import DXF Text
- Import OBJ with Materials
- Lattice Maker
- Latticeizer
- Layer Name Export/Import
- Layers From List
- Layers To List
- LayerWatcher
- layer_material_tools
- Lines to Components
- List Layers Colors
- Material Consolidator
- Matrix Proximity
- Mirror
- Nudge Orbit
- OBJ Exporter
- Originate Component Axes
- Pipe Along Path
- Prism
- Projecting to Ground
- Purge All
- Purge Folder ot SKPs
- Quadrilateralizer
- QuadFrom2Tris
- Radial Lines
- RadialLines Fixed Length
- Random Delete
- Random Select
- RandomPushPull
- RayTrace & RaySpray
- Reglue
- Report Coordinates of a Construction Point
- ReportConverter
- RevClound
- Roof
- Rotate Plan View
- Save_all_components
- Scale Face to Target Area
- Scale2Face
- Scale2SurfaceArea
- Scale2Volume
- SectionCutFace
- Select by Z
- Select Faces by Z
- Selection Hide/Show
- Set Arc/Curve Segments
- Set_Layer
- Shadow Projector
- SKM Tools, Material Tools and Image Tools
- Slicer
- Smart Offset
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