Daftar Isi
Version 1.3.7 (Jun 16, 2022) #
- Updated license system to reduce license activation issues and errors
- Converted all dialogs from WebDialogs to HtmlDialogs
- Dropped support for SU2016
Version 1.3.6 (Jan 20, 2022) #
- Updates to support M1 Macs
Version 1.3.5 (Feb 2, 2021) #
- Fixed issue where existing license could not be removed when using SketchUp 2021 (Windows)
Version 1.3.4 (Nov 17, 2020) #
- Fixes for SketchUp 2021
Version 1.3.3 #
- Fixed an issue where some users would still have an invalid license after activating
Version 1.3.2 #
- Fixed an issue where if someone had never installed SketchUp prior to version 2020, dialogs would show scrollbars and styling errors
- Added Korean language file
Version 1.3.1 #
- Updated to new license system and removed Extension Warehouse license system
Version 1.3.0 #
- Fixed an issue where license activation would fail for some users
- Fixed an issue where Artisan would not load for some users with non-English characters in their username
Version 1.2.9 #
- Fixed some licensing issues
Version 1.2.8 #
- Fixed an issue where Mac users could not activate their license
Version 1.2.7 #
- Improvements to the licensing system
- Fixed several bugs related to undo-able operations
- Fixed a bug where the Knife subdivide tool would sometimes fail
- Improved display of proxy settings window
- Fixed some bugs with editing geometry in proxy mode
- Added new translations (Serbian, Italian, Lithuanian)
- No longer supporting SketchUp versions prior to SU2016